Sunday, December 28, 2008

6 Weeks Old

Little Miss Muffin, as we call her here, is continuing her growth spurts. She enjoyed meeting Uncle Matt for the first time this week and was mesmerized by him. Jordyn is also holding up her head more and enjoying her awake time. Her favorite time of the day is still when daddy gets home, she loves to sit with him and gazes adoringly at him.

We also had our first Christmas with Jordyn. Although she slept through the whole thing, she received the most gifts and is enjoying her new outfits from Grandma and Grandpa.

Grandma Martin sent her a rocking horse that makes noises! Its very cute and we can't wait until she is old enough to ride it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Month Old

Jordyn reached one month old this week! She is continuing to grow like crazy, she is well on her way to 10 lbs. Jordyn has outfits that she outgrows daily. She is holding up her head very well during tummy time and is enjoying seeing grandma and grandpa daily. Grandpa sings songs to her and she stares at him and listens to every word. It's very sweet.

Sean and I are still exhausted and can never seem to catch up on sleep. We're looking forward to Christmas, Sean will have a couple of days off. Our house continually looks like a tornado swept through. It's amazing how a little munchkin like Jordyn can cause so much disarray.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3 Weeks Old

Jordyn reached 8.5 lbs! She is growing so fast, it literally feels like over night. She is spending more time awake and loves to look at her toys. She is holding her head up more and able to turn it from side to side. She loves it when her daddy gets home from work because he feeds her and puts her to bed for the evening. Tonight she stared at him for about 30 minutes and smiled, it was so sweet.