Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Road to the Superbowl

Wow-time flies! We have had so much excitment in our house!!

Sean has been very busy at work, working 12 hour days 7 days a week. His hard work is finally paying off though. He will be going to the superbowl with the rest of the team in two weeks! Sean, Jordyn, and I got to go on the field before the last game and check out all of the changes they made to the stadium for the game. And, I was able to go to the last game with my friend Monique. It was an exciting game and a very emotional win for the staff and family. We've all worked so hard to get here.

In other news...Jordyn is continuing to grow before our eyes. She reached 12 lbs at her last check up and is 24 inches long, 90th percentile for her height. We also took our first trip! Grandma and Grandpa invited Jordyn and I to Tucson for two nights. It was so nice not to worry about the house and just focus on Jordyn and sleep (and grandma's fabulous gin and tonics!). Grandpa bought a telescope so we get to look at the stars at night, it's a lot of fun.

Jordyn also started daycare. I'm not back to work yet but want to transition her in before I go. She is going twice a week until I go back which is a nice break for mommy. I get to go grocery shopping and take a shower! You sure start to enjoy the little things in life.