Sunday, January 2, 2011

Family of Four

It has been sooooo long since I've updated this thing and I finally have both kids down for a nap so thought I would take a few minutes to share with what is going on. 2010 was a busy year for us! We decided in January to move back to Seattle so we started the process. In the middle (April) we found out we were expecting our 2nd baby! The Twohy's don't stop-so we continued with our plan, sold our house in May and moved to back home! When we got to Seattle we found out we were going to have another girl-poor Sean is outnumbered! Sean started his new gig at the Seahawks in June and is loving the new facility, seeing Pete Carroll, and eating his "free" lunches with the staff. I was hired on by the Renton School District and love my new 2nd grade teaching job. The feeling of home is complete because of the school I'm at. Our house is 2.5 miles from my parents which has been a BLESSING and we're close to Sean's Aunt Diane and Uncle Chris-whom we love and cherish our times with. We've also been able to see Sean's brother and his fabulous FIANCE' more and have blended with her wonderful family. Sean's grandma and grandpa also live close. We've been reconnected with some great friends and it seems like we're a tad maturer and a little wiser (and a little more exhausted trying to keep up with all of our kids!) We just feel blessed to be back with our close family and friends. With all of the trials and tribulations we have experienced this year we are happy to have added little Kendra to our family and have found a church to explore (Christ our Hope).

Here are a couple of pictures of our crazy summer/fall. We're looking forward to 2011, I hope I can keep this updated!!

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